ALT Presentation Day.

Just completed my ALT presentation and was generally happy with the way things went. Watching other participant’s presentations also helped to reveal things that I feel that I may have missed and must not miss should I present this project again. The slides can be found here: Below I have produced a checklist to build into the remainder of my project in the run-up to hand-in.

Extract quantitative data from Blackboard, though I fear Blackboard has a problem giving reliable data.

Emphasise how many students did the questionnaire and discuss the first questions to set scene. For instance of the 20 respondants 17 said they had watched the movies.

A panel member asked how much extra work is created by using these movie captures. The answer is 10 minutes to set up the technology to capture the full lecture then 30 minutes to capture the key concepts post lecture. So a total of 40 minutes.

A panel member asked do I foresee them being used the year after the answer is yes this will free up time to create movies addressing other skills sets.

Explain my area of teaching and that I teach 3D computer modelling which is challenging software to learn.

My presentation challenged some current research that appears to promote the use of full lecture capture being a success. I feel this is because Universities have invested  large amounts of money in technology and training of staff. I feel and some research indicates that full lecture capture doesn’t work very well and Universities should not invest. A panel member agreed with this.

Emphasise my test with smart phones so students can watch on the go.

Would have been nice to explain the technology I used some more and show a sample of the outputs. Could I run an example if time?

I also must ask myself the question, Is there any evidence to suggest that my process actually worked. This at the moment appears difficult to do.

About despard

Educator in Design.
This entry was posted in #altsep12, K4 The use of learning technologies, K5 Methods of evaluating effectiveness of teaching, K6 Implications of quality assurance and enhancement, V3 Evidence-based approaches, V4 Acknowledge wider context for practice. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to ALT Presentation Day.

  1. pgcapsalford says:

    Hi Craig, I’m glad your presentation went well – you have already put a lot of hard work into your project and it really seems to paying off. I think at this stage you should be considering your project in terms of the UKPSF and making sure that your blog really tells the story of your project, and that it brings together what you have learned from the academic literature, tech literature and from your peers. Some areas of the UKPSF that you may want to focus on …

    A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance

    K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)

    K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies

    V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice

    V4 might be the most challenging but you might want to think about the following …Are there any external factors that you may want to consider as part of your learning design – does what you are proposing integrate with any University policy, national policy, student guidance? Are there any considerations or modifications that you might like to make to your design to make it more usable or accessible?

    I would like to see a plan for how you would like this project to develop over the short, medium and longer term, and what impact if any this might have on your future professional development.

    I would like to see you revisit your original Learning Contract and reflect on what your were able to deliver – and what, if anything, you were not able to deliver on. What would you do differently with the benefit of hindsight?

    What are the drawbacks of using technology that is not supported by the University (Vimeo etc)? Do you have a back up plan if things go wrong – what happens if data is lost? does it matter?

    I think what you have achieved so far is excellent Craig, the points raised above are for you to consider in order to give your project a better narrative and to make sure that you fulfill the assessment criteria fully. Best wishes


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